The Rush Festival, set to feature popular acts such as Eskimo Joe, Choirboys, Wendy Mathews, and The Chantoozies, has garnered significant attention from tourists.
Sponsored by the Pajingo Gold Mine, the Rush Festival will see many Queenslanders flock to Charters Towers for the Musicians and activities.
Home Hill local Mark Lucas told Sumpton’s Gold Rush Gazette he was excited to visit Charters Towers for the festival.
“I am excited for the Rush Festival because I want to see Choirboys,” he said.
An anonymous source told the Charters Towers Newspaper that he couldn’t wait to get out of Brisbane to enjoy the festival.
“Brisbane is so high maintenance, The Towers is a much better place to hang out, especially when an event is on,” he said.
“I would get killed if people knew I said this, but Charters Towers is way better than Brisbane.”
More information about the Charters Towers Rush Festival is available at