Motivated by his experiences as a member of the 49th Battalion, Kennedy MP Bob Katter has pushed for national flags to be made in Australia rather than China.
Mr Katter said the Australian flags he hands out for free in his electorate would BE higher quality if they were made within the nation.
"What sort of a country buys its national flag off China?” He asked.
“Those flags are a piece of rubbish - within two months, there's no colour in it.
“The old flags were made out of cotton and they had very colourfast dye.
"About 95 per cent of the flags are given out for free by the government.
“And the ones that are purchased in the shops, if we provided subsidies, that would mean all Australian flags were made in Australia, and they'd be made out of cotton or some similar material that holds the colour."
Australian flags can be obtained by citizens for free at the office of Bob Katter.