If a kidnapper had held 100 people in his basement against their will last year, then released 50 per cent of them in 2023, he wouldn’t get to say in court, “I don’t deserve prison time, I gave many people their freedom this year.”
That logic seems outrageous but is exactly the kind of lunacy the Labor government wants you to subscribe to.
During the COVID-19 panic, all kinds of politicians but predominantly Labor leaders kept Australians from leaving their houses, doing their jobs, educating their children, and much more.
In just one month during the height of the panic, 600,000 jobs were lost due to primarily Labor state government leaders enforcing overly restrictive lockdowns.
Anthony Albanese wants you to forget he did nothing but support the harsh lockdowns along with almost every Labor representative.
He wants you to forget he and his team of thugs were quick to support the oppression people like Victoria’s Daniel Andrews were forcing Australians through.
Even after the evidence against the effectiveness of lockdowns were overwhelmingly stacked against Labor and the world watched Australia in confusion, the prime minister backed Daniel Andrews and many more during elections.
He understood the unnecessary pain they put Australians through and supported them anyway.
Anthony Albanese recently stated, “We created a record 330,000 jobs in our first year of government,” spitting on the face of anyone who remembers how those jobs were lost in the first place.
Hard working business owners and Australians have fought a hard fight to regain these jobs despite Labor’s incompetence.
Mention to any supporter of the lockdowns or Labor leader that a report which was conducted over six months with extensive consultations and hundreds of submissions, funded by the Paul Ramsay foundation, the John and Myriam Wylie Foundation and the Andrew Forrest’s Minderoo Foundation found that Australia's COVID-19 response included government overreach, inadequate financial support, and caused economic destruction.
Also mention to them the government effectively created COVID superspreader zones with restrictions on exiting their homes and “essential business only” policies which left people no choice but to travel to arbitrarily listed “essential businesses” at specific times of the day in mass.
You will be looked at with total apathy.
They do not care who they hurt and if they could do it again, they would.
The fact that any lockdown or Labor supporter would flop around like a fish in offence if you told them lockdowns were immoral show how willing they are to restrict Australians again if they get the chance.
Anthony Albanese wants you to believe he trapped 100 people in his basement but let 50 per cent go years later, honourably doing the 50 per cent a favour for letting them free.