Social and political commentator Daniel Sumpton expressed his disgust with the “bad parenting” which led to graffiti in Charters Towers targeting police using expletives.
The Charters Towers newspaper founder denounced illegal “signs of degeneracy” earlier this month among media coverage highlighting the graffiti spread throughout the region.
Mr Sumpton said the graffiti in a car park on Mosman Street that calls police “pigs” was “disgusting.”
“Obviously it is disgusting that anybody would illegally attack police with such foul words,” he said.
“This has bad parenting written all over it and people need to watch over their kids more.
“Hopefully it isn’t too late to teach the despicable idiot who wrote this some respect through good parenting.
“I hope their parents can help them because if the person who wrote this is actually an adult with such little respect for the police or property, then they truly represent the worst of Charters Towers.”