The federal government is gearing up to make tobacco laws stricter which industry experts have predicted will cause an explosion in people buying illicit tobacco and also result in many small businesses going bankrupt.
While leftists and other activists rush to support the legalisation of cannabis (1 in 17 Queenslanders voted [1] for the Legalise Cannabis Australia Party in the senate at the 2022 federal election), there seems to be zero outcry against the push for criminalisation of tobacco.
The fact we are moving toward the legalisation of one illicit plant, which has clogged up our prisons and created underbellies in Australia for decades, just to criminalise a different plant which will create a more vibrant and sinister underbelly is a level of absurdity that cannot be understated.
There must be a call to common sense and logical consistency by the general public at some point to prevent the impending chaos.
The Australian government is better than most at coming up with a cure far worse than the disease.
The correct approach to eliminating incessant drug use always lies in cultural movements which provide healthier and more incentivising alternatives and lifestyles, not an overbearing government more willing to create black markets than solve the actual problem.
The new attempt at overreach by the government in regards to tobacco reminded me of a joke told by the comedian Adam Carolla which ends with the famous punchline:
“So I ask you, do they hate smoke or do they love telling you what to do?”
Earlier this year, the federal government also announced a $234 million crackdown on vaping.
The Minister for Health and Aged Care, Mark Butler said in a social media post, “Young people who vape are three times as likely to take up smoking, and under 25s are the only cohort in the community currently recording an increase in smoking rates.”
He pretends to show concern for these statistics yet fully understands the amount of people who die, are brutally injured, suffer health problems, or suffer abuse as a result of the highly profitable alcohol industry but does nothing about it.
Australia’s new government has become recognised around the globe for introducing fascist policies at a faster pace than any other once free nation turned authoritarian. This is why.
The authoritarian scum in office are so arrogant as to believe they can CHOOSE what Australians are addicted to and do not think we will notice.
Australians can no longer let Labor tamper with the free market by choosing to let some drug industries roam free as long as the industry is sufficiently taxed, while restricting or outright banning less harmful addictions to society.