Member for Traeger, Robbie Katter said the Government has not been paying attention to a realistic way of reducing fuel emissions.
In response to the newly implemented electric vehicle chargers planted in Charters Towers and multiple other locations in western Queensland, Mr Katter has questioned the positive impact the stations will have.
“In relation to the roll-out of the charging stations in Charters Towers and along the Flinders Highway across the North West, I can’t help but wonder how much use they will actually get out in these parts,” he said.
“I am not sure why the Government is so hell-bent on subsidising the transition to EVs when, for the last four years, they haven’t paid any attention to the far more realistic way of reducing fuel emissions – E10.
“The KAP fought to have the four per cent ethanol mandate passed through the Queensland Parliament back in 2015 but the Government has never enforced it.”
Mr Katter also said the government was not properly considering the economic struggles that everyday Australians are facing.
“Unlike electric vehicles, which despite the subsidies remain highly unaffordable for your average Australian, E10 fuel is cheaper than U91 and there is the possibility of bringing the costs down even further by bringing more local ethanol production facilities online.”