The Albanese Government wants to control the media like the Chinese Communist Party

Opinion - Daniel Sumpton

Sky News Australia reported on June 25 that Communications Minister Michelle Rowland will “draft legislation allowing the Australian Communications and Media Authority to impose industry-wide standards enforcing social media platforms to remove potentially harmful content.”

We all know “potentially harmful content,” to the Australian government has nothing to do with misinformation like what they are claiming.

The Australian Government is mad they don’t have their palms wrapped around the necks of certain social media companies like they do the Australian mainstream media.

9 News reported “Under the proposed draft laws, the Australian Communications and Media Authority will have the power to impose potentially multibillion-dollar fines on tech companies who repeatedly fail to stop and take down undesirable content.”

It is the trait of the North Korean dictatorship to claim it is removing “undesirable content” forcibly, not a free society.


This most recent advancement toward tyranny comes shortly after Australia’s supposed “eSafety Commissioner” threatened Twitter with fines over “hate speech,” despite the fact Elon Musk has already posted data which show hate speech has gone down on the platform since his acquisition.

The “eSafety Commissioner” fails to provide substantial evidence, only baseless “reports,” and a study conducted in the United Kingdom, not even in our own nation.

It goes without saying Australia shouldn’t be using reports from other nations with varying academic records to lead the charge of slapping multibillion organisations with fines, but our nation has sadly made it standard to reject integrity and honesty when it comes to how the government treats the media and platforms which host media.

The Australian government is simply doing the Biden administration’s dirty work.

Sadly, Australia has a habit of aiding the U.S in matters which best serve them and not us.

Australia got involved with the Iraq war, the Afghanistan war, the current war in Ukraine, and many more, despite our best interests working against getting involved.

And now? Twitter has given Robert F Kennedy Jr (Every leftist’s least favourite Democrat), a platform to more worldwide viewers in history while most other social media platforms rush to squash his reach and give Biden the best chance possible.

It is not a coincidence that Australia has taken such a brutal attack on Twitter AFTER polls have come out showing RFK Jr’s likability has skyrocketed amongst Americans and Australians alike.

I’d write something like “Australia needs to stop getting involved with America’s conflicts.” but there is no point.

The Australian government is not interested in freedom of the press, the freedom of ideas, or putting Australia first.

Right now, the Australian government is only concerned with killing narratives which oppose what they directly want Australians to believe.

Whether it be on U.S elections, The Voice, the Albanese government, or anything else, they want to control us.