Detective Pikachu returns on Nintendo Switch

Entertainment Opinion - Daniel Sumpton

Detective Pikachu was a smash hit for the 3DS in 2016 with the new and multi-layered main character, Tim Goodman alongside a chatty crime-solving Pikachu.

The charm of the video game was not lost on the masses as it was soon developed into a blockbuster movie.

The film came out in 2019 to praise from fans and critics alike.

The movie had great visuals and a larger-than-life plot with the brilliant marketing decision of casting Ryan Reynolds as the lead Pokemon.

With the indubitable success of the 3DS game and film, it was inevitable that we would see a sequel on the Nintendo Switch.


Detective Pikachu will be released on October 6th of this year and the game’s trailer has revealed many things to get excited over.

The game will see the return of Kaiji Tang as the voice of the videogame version of Detective Pikachu, providing a gravelly policeman-like voice in contrast with how Ryan Reynolds portrays the character in the movie with a high pitch and irritated voice.

Iconic lines from the lead Pokemon such as “The name’s Pikachu and I’m what you might call a great detective,” and “I sure wish somebody would bring me some coffee,” were dropped in the nearly minute and a half trailer on YouTube.

The game also seems to be introducing more noir-inspired jazz music to enjoy while solving Poke problems. Blacksad and L.A Noire fans will probably enjoy this playful take on crime-fighting adventure.

Mewtwo and Tim Goodman will also be returning for the Switch Sequel but there were plenty of new faces leaked as well.

The new game will seem to have an emphasis on the Pokemon Slowpoke as there is a fountain with the character featured as well as a clip of a Slowpoke with a detective hat using a water attack.

The game also looks visually stunning, with many smart stylized choices for the Nintendo Switch which will appeal to all kinds of ages and audiences.

If you are a Pokemon fan in general or just a Detective Pikachu fan, you won’t want to miss out on this experience for the Nintendo Switch on October 6, 2023.

Go solve Pokemon-related crime puzzles!