Local business owner Chevorne Williams expressed admiration for the new mural on the side of her growing establishment painted by popular artist Lavinia Letheby.
Mrs Williams said the final result was a great addition to Charters Towers.
“I’m beside myself with it, I absolutely love it,” she said.
“From the actual design concept on the computer to what it is visually, it’s like out of this world.
“It’s fun, it’s hip, it’s a bit different, and I feel like it’s not something you would see in Charters Towers.”
Mrs Williams also said the mural could be huge for tourism in town.
“I think come tourist season, it’s going to be a big reason to stop there and get a photo, and sort of get us on the map a little bit too,” she said.
“For Gill Street now, with so many vacant shops I feel like it’s sort of really perfect for something so amazing to be in the main street.”
On the official Flowers in the Towers Facebook page, Mrs Williams thanked the Charters Towers Regional Council for offering Gill Street businesses the Facade program to assist “bringing the main street back to life.”